Welcome to SceneSat - the place that connects the many musical aspects of the demoscene to the rest of the world.

Current time: 2024-04-28 23:11
23 listeners from 12 countries.
melcom - Fernweh [04:57]
D Fast - They knew it first [02:28] at 23:15:16

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SceneSat has an IRC channel on the EFNet network named #scenesat. That's the place where you can meet listeners, musicians, DJs and a bunch of other nice people.

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The following kind people have joined our Patreon:

Tier II: David 'Bombe' Roden, dojoe, Starchaser & 1 anonymous
Tier I: Bowyer, iamdarkyoshi, K-Line, V1rgul & 4 anonymous