Mastodon Mastodon

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Current time: 2025-03-26 07:30
11 listeners from 7 countries.
CZ-Tunes - Legend of Faerghail (Title Remix) [04:10] at 08:31:02
IRC Vote triggers

Here you have a list of the vote triggers on IRC and the values the give in the voting for our Sat-U-Rated shows.

IRC vote triggers
!magnificent, !magnificented, !massive and !massived : 10
!awesome and !awesomed : 9
!love, !loves and !loved : 8
!lovely and !lovelyd : 7
!like, !likes, !liked, !pleasant and !pleasanted : 6
!meh, !mehd, !neutral and !neutraled : 5
!boring and !boringed : 4
!dislike, !dislikes and !disliked : 3
!loathe and !loathed : 2
!hate, !hates and !hated : 1
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The following kind people have joined our Patreon:

Tier II: David 'Bombe' Roden, dojoe, jeenio & 9 anonymous
Tier I: aldroid, Bowyer, Chainsaw, iamdarkyoshi, jpt9, K-Line, V1rgul & 7 anonymous