Mastodon Mastodon

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Current time: 2024-12-22 02:10
17 listeners from 12 countries.
Little Bitchard - Gone Laserdancing [04:26] at 02:16:53

MaxHall has downloaded 3 tracks and 6 shows from so far... 11 tracks have been played on the rotational thanx to MaxHall.

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Average rating given:
9.6 / 10 in 5 votes
Queued tracks
Track Last time # times
1. Tori Amos - Me And A Gun (Xerxes 2004 Remix) [07:17] 2013-12-27 00:07:39 1
2. Max Hall vs. Sir Garbagetruck - Demo Scene Music [02:54] 2013-12-26 23:23:41 4
3. NauticDive - Deep Blue Eyes [04:14] 2012-12-25 23:22:46 2
4. Thomas Detert - Shades - Love's End [05:13] 2010-11-04 22:45:30 1
5. Xerxes feat. friends - One Wave [13:11] 2009-09-27 16:25:46 1
6. The 909Sadist - Cauldron II (Besen Mix) [05:08] 2009-07-02 14:13:27 2
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