Mastodon Mastodon

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Current time: 2024-12-21 14:54
18 listeners from 12 countries.
Olof Gustafsson - Starstruck [06:05]
cactoos - edification [05:58] at 15:00:49

Artefact2 has not downloaded anything from yet... 4 tracks have been played on the rotational thanx to Artefact2.

9 11 22

Average rating given:
5.4 / 10 in 136 votes
Queued tracks
Track Last time # times
1. Digimax - Harmonic Sequence [08:42] 2017-06-04 13:03:51 2
2. Radix & XyCe - Rainbow Dash [03:29] 2017-04-23 16:08:55 1
3. Elwood - Deadlock [04:12] 2017-04-23 15:59:32 1
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