Mastodon Mastodon

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Current time: 2025-03-28 10:12
30 listeners from 10 countries.
SGX - Shed [05:02]
MaTrax-Music - Kay Mann [03:23] at 11:13:19


Scenesat Staff and Assembly 2017 peeps - Assembly 2017 actual saturday!
2017-08-05 15:37:33 - 2017-08-05 18:27:25
When What
2017-08-05 15:37:34 (00:01) glxblt - Fuck On The Floor
2017-08-05 15:51:10 (13:37) jco & bacter vs lasergeek - my amiga broke so I got a pdp 1
2017-08-05 15:56:58 (19:25) Buzzer - 80's Once Again
2017-08-05 16:08:43 (31:10) h0ffman & SaVannaH - Nobody's Bizniz
2017-08-05 16:11:31 (33:58) kb - Five Themes And No Masterplan
2017-08-05 16:15:12 (37:39) Hazel - The Key
2017-08-05 16:23:24 (45:51) Rage - Walking Man
2017-08-05 16:31:34 (54:01) powlee - threshold
2017-08-05 16:38:31 (60:58) Jazzcat - Mesopotamia
2017-08-05 16:46:29 (68:56) lomaxx - once upon a breakpoint
2017-08-05 17:15:01 (97:28) Various - Prizegiving
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Tier II: David 'Bombe' Roden, dojoe, jeenio & 9 anonymous
Tier I: aldroid, Bowyer, Chainsaw, iamdarkyoshi, jpt9, K-Line, V1rgul & 7 anonymous