Mastodon Mastodon

Detailed information about T-101 - Chaotic

Current time: 2025-01-24 07:43
20 listeners from 11 countries.
Metal - The Galaga Dream [03:23]
Trx - Insomnia keeps the nightmares away [05:36] at 07:49:39
T-101 - Chaotic [03:06]
Prepare the Google search field with this track.

Track is available for download for registered members of

Played on the rotational 195 times

Last 5 plays:
2025-01-04 19:05:47
2024-12-10 22:39:38
2024-11-15 22:07:48
2024-10-24 06:49:47
2024-09-30 21:22:39

Played on these shows

Topy44 and T-101 - WeCan 2012 Part 1  at  2012-09-15 02:26:26 (278:36)
Mayor and T-101 - Alternative Party 2011 - Part 2  at  2011-10-22 22:04:35 (295:03)
T-101 and Sir Garbagetruck and Guests - Byterapers 25 years anniversary  at  2011-08-27 17:40:06 (97:19)

This track has been downloaded 17 times.

This track has been given 9 ratings.

Average rating:
5.8 / 10
Rated and commented:
by txtp_ who shouted: I love it. It hits some deep emotional spot in me :'-S
by Aiwendil who shouted: Good stuff.. but vocals, mate: vocalising with distortion doesn't necessarily mean it's going to give you a good pitch ;)
by Rainbowchazer who shouted: Disagreeing with zeg this's reasonable and at least recognisable heavy metal. (Signs of a mis-spent youth?)
by zeg who shouted: hm

5 members have rated it, but not given any comments.

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